Our Mission
A Message of Hope was founded in 2020 on the principles of dedicating ourselves to encouraging high school and college men and women to live out their Catholic faith regardless of what the world says. We are living in a time when the hook-up culture is more present than ever, people are unsure of who they are, and the Catholic faith is not at the focus of people's lives. While providing useful tools and real life experiences, our hope is to aid young adults on how to live out their faith, be true to their identity, and follow their morals in the midst of high school and college.
About A Message of Hope

Monét Souza grew up in Massachusetts with her parents and younger brother in a Catholic home. From a very young age, the faith was implemented, morals were enforced, and she was taught how to stick up for herself. Without this foundation provided by her parents, Monét would not be where she is today. Monét struggled a lot in her high school years trying to fit in while maintaining her Catholic identity. In college, it became a lot more difficult to find a community of Catholics that would attend Mass with her. These years were quite a journey but Monét remained steadfast in her faith, she was not ashamed of who she was, and stood up for what she believed in. There are too many young men and women who are not confident enough to do the same or are not encouraged to live out their faith. Monét is striving to help others in high school and college by providing them with helpful tools to help them when they are faced with obstacles or temptations in their lives.
Our Founder
Our Patron Saints
These two Saints have been chosen for this ministry for many reasons. The first reason that comes to mind is the great devotion that I have had towards these two Saints. For Catholics, the Saints are those individuals who lived a life of faith and devotion to Our Lord and have now become our friends. The journey from earth to Heaven does not seem that far off once you become closely connected with the Saints.

St. Padre Pio
St. Padre Pio goes without saying! He was truly a saint who implemented hope and confidence in our faith. One of his most famous quotes is the following, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.”
Image by Lily Hildago

St. Therese of Lisieux
Why Saint Therese? I used to try to fit in as much as I could growing up and tried to act older than I was. Ultimately, I took on this identity that I was too cool for certain things or people but St. Therese drew me into a childlikeness that I had never known.
“My little way is the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute self-surrender”
- St. Therese of Lisieux