Monét Souza
Monét grew up in a Catholic home in Massachusetts with her parents and younger brother. From a young age, her parents clearly communicated Catholic truth and morality providing Monét a solid foundation in the faith. With this foundation, Monét navigated the difficult pressures and struggles of maintaining one’s faith through high school and college. While these years proved to be a long and testing journey, Monét found support and encouragement through her family and friends. She developed a newfound appreciation for her Catholic faith and began living, loving, and proclaiming her faith without shame.
Knowing the secular challenges young adults face everyday, Monét strives to provide the tools and encouragement they need to choose and persevere in their faith. With the culture pulling them farther and farther from their Catholic identity and faith, Monét founded A Message of Hope to instill hope in young adults when they embrace their freedom, identity, and happiness in lifestyles rooted in the Truth.

Lily Fitzgibbons
Content Designer
Lily is an east coast, Philly girl tried and true. She is a passionate Catholic and avid creator who loves drawing others into the truth, beauty, and goodness of the faith.
For Catholics, the Saints are individuals who lived a life of faith and devotion to Our Lord. The lives of these holy friends can guide, inspire, and teach us on our journey to Heaven. The following two saints were chosen as the patrons for A Message of Hope for their powerful witness to fully living their God-given identity and mission. We ask for their intercession in helping us cling to hope and persevere in our faith.

St. Padre Pio was a saint who truly implemented hope and confidence in our faith. Amidst many painful suffering and trials throughout his life, he remained faithful to God. His bold witness of trust in God is a great example for all of us.
“Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless.
God is merciful and will hear your prayer.”
St. Padre Pio
Image by Lily Hildago

St. Therese reminds us of our true identity through the eyes of God. How easy it is to want to fit in and cave to the pressure of doing things we're not actually comfortable with. In a culture where living behind masked identities is easy, St. Therese invites us into a childlikeness and simplicity that is deeply transforming.
“My little way is the way of spiritual childhood,
the way of trust and absolute self-surrender”
-St. Therese of Lisieux
Image by Lily Fitzgibbons